Every household with a TV (and I daresay that's most) gets to make choices about when the TV gets turned on, what gets watched, and what kind (if any) of interactions adults and kids have around the content.
Five Keys to Getting Kids to Help with Clean-up
Ever wonder why you can’t get your kids to help clean up?
I know, it seems like a nice idea and all, but how the heck do you actually get kids to want to and enjoy helping with clean up?
At first, I didn’t think it was possible either. But it turns out, I was grossly underestimating young people.
In fact, during my first year as a preschool teacher in a Montessori school, my limited ideas of the kids’ cleaning capabilities were completely blown out of the water!
I looked around the classroom and saw three-year-olds sweeping, mopping, dusting, and helping each other clean up messes!
Go for the giggle: your secret parenting tool revealed
Wanna have more fun with your kids AND keep your heart healthy?
Then try Going for the Giggle!
We’ve all heard the old adage “Laughter is the best medicine.”
Well… guess what?
It’s really true!
Recent heart and blood vessel research shows that laughter may actually help prevent heart disease! By laughing more with your family, you’ll have more fun and connection while supporting healthy hearts all around.
Here at Awake Parent, we’re big fans of letting kids release their feelings- but that doesn’t mean you’re stuck listening to screaming, crying kids all the time!