The Magic of Using Essential Oils with Kids

You probably already know that essential oils are great for all sorts of uses to support your wellness, but there were a few surprises in store for me as I began to use essential oils with my kids.

Calming down

Look, life with young kids can be tough sometimes. Sleep deprivation, co-sleeping, nursing, hunger, teething, new developmental milestones, parental discord, sibling rivalry, and so much more can cause some seriously tense moments in any home, mine included. So sometimes we need tools to help us de-escalate. read more

How to Convert an Altoids Tin Into a Keepsake Box

My birthday was last week and as a gift, my mom invited me over to her house to turn an Altoids tin into a small keepsake box. I’ll tell you right now, this project was the most fun I’ve had all month. OK, it might be possible that I’ve been depriving myself of creative projects, which is really not good for me. In fact, in the realm of self-care, creative pursuits are pretty much at the top of my list. So here’s a window into my creative process and some pix of the sweet little box I created! I think it’s Pinterest worthy if I do say so myself. read more

10 Ways to Help Your Kids Deal with Your Separation

As a child of divorce myself, I can share my own experience to help you navigate your separation in the way that will best support your children and allow them to adjust to the new reality of having two separate homes. I may write more on the topic of healing or ending your romantic relationship, but today let’s focus on how you can help your children thrive, even in the midst of your separation.

Please note, I’m writing this article with the assumption that you were married and that both parents will continue to be involved in your children’s lives. If that’s not the case, there are still some points that will be helpful, but others may not apply or you may need to change the language to suit your needs, for instance, you can replace the word spouse with girlfriend/boyfriend/partner as needed. My hope is that all children will be encouraged to have some connection and relationship to both of their parents whenever possible. read more

I’m Back! Here’s What I’ve Been Up To (Starting a Montessori charter school)

It’s been YEARS since I’ve actively blogged and you might have been wondering why you haven’t gotten any posts from Awake Parent for a while.

After my miscarriage I did get pregnant again and while I was pregnant, my husband’s office manager at his Chiropractic office left. He had wanted us to work together for years and I had resisted, since I loved working from home so much. But in 2013, I agreed to become the new Business Manager at Heartstone Family Chiropractic.

Now I know more than I ever wanted to know about medical insurance billing

It was a bit of learning curve, but I figured it all out and then in 2014, our son was born! Our daughter was absolutely thriving in her Montessori preschool but there were ZERO Montessori elementary programs available in Bend, OR. Even if there had been a private option for Montessori elementary, I concluded that it would cost us over $100,000 to send both of our kids through Montessori preschool and elementary. With free (yes I do pay my taxes) public school as an option, it just didn’t make sense to pay so much for elementary school when we really should be saving for college. read more

Pre-parenting 101 Agile Parent Podcast!

Hey there! I recently had a lovely conversation/interview with John and Jahaira about their plans to get pregnant and become parents. We talked about early childhood development, sustaining a nurturing relationship with a partner before baby arrives, parent/child dynamics, mindset, and cultivating critical thinking in very young children. Also, we had fun and discussed how we might handle it if we were to see a child being spanked in a public place. Their podcast will be ongoing, so I hope you’ll check it out! read more