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There’s just one more thing you need to do before you get useful weekly parenting tips from me.

Look for an e-mail from me, Shelly at In that e-mail is a link.

You must click on that link in order to confirm your subscription.

The e-mail may end up in your junk mail or spam folder. Please check there if you don’t see it in your inbox.

The confirmation e-mail will look like this…

Sample Aweber Confirmation E-mail

Whitelist Us

Unfortunately, we live in a world where spam is rampant. To fight this, your e-mail services may be a bit trigger happy with blocking e-mails… including legitimate ones like ours!

I would recommend you “whitelist” our e-mail address.

By “whitelisting” our e-mail address, you are telling your e-mail service, “Yeah, Shelly and The Conscious Parenting Alliance. I know them. They are OK. They can send me e-mails. I’m cool with that.”

The e-mails you’ll want to whitelist are…