Special Post: Congratulations to Shelly, Kevin & Baby Julia

Hello Awake Parent Readers,

Just wanted to let you know…

Baby Julia was born on August 2, 2010 at around 3 PM coming in at 7 lb 13 oz. Both mom and baby are doing well. Pictures to come….

Jill and I sent out a message last week asking for your warm pre-congratulations. Thank you to everyone that responded. We’ve posted your warm and gracious letters below.

Jill & Colin

P.S. Please feel free to add to the love by expressing yourself in the comments box below.

P.P.S. If you ever wondered what Shelly looked like as a baby… her mom pulled out a baby pic of her. 🙂 It’s the second to last letter we got below. read more

The perfection of imperfection

“Nobody’s perfect”, right?  Well, I’m not so sure.  I think there’s actually a kind of perfection in imperfection.  I tend toward the idea that there’s some sort of plan, or fate, or something that drives us all to be exactly who and how we are.  Some people call this force God, or the Universe, or even coincidence, but whatever you call it, I find it much more empowering to believe that there’s a purpose to my life and a larger force at work.

When I can rest in the perfection of my imperfection it’s much easier to reflect on the things I’ve done that I wish I’d done differently and I can somehow recognize that without making that “mistake” I might never have learned the important lesson in front of me. read more

Appreciating the parent you are…

I want to appreciate you, just for being the parent you are.

Will you join me?

Would you please take a moment…even a fraction of a
second…right now…and appreciate yourself as a parent?


How often do we take time–even a nanosecond–to appreciate not what we’re doing, but simply that we are being the grown-up in this little person or these little people’s lives?

Just the fact of our existence and presence means they get to have a sense of themselves in the world as someone important, someone loved, someone special. read more