It’s All Happenning…

Becoming a parent is definitely a rite of passage and I don’t know anybody who has gone through it who doesn’t get a deep and profound sense of ADULTHOOD from being a mom or a dad. Once we realize that we’re responsible for these initially helpless little human beings, we quickly identify all the ways we’ve still been pretending to be carefree and irresponsible and hopefully we grow up.

So now that I’m really an adult I keep having this realization about what life is and how different adulthood is from what I imagined it would be when I was a child. read more

Easy DIY Toddler Sink

This is our toddler sink. It was simple to set up and gets daily use. In fact, my 2 1/2 year old daughter often decides to independently wash her hands here. The height of your table or shelf is one of the most important things to ensure success. Also, keep the water level low enough to allow for your child’s whole arm to go in without displacing the water. Provide soap in a small dish and a towel to dry off with (Julia still needs help with pushing up her sleeves and drying off). To really engage your child, demonstrate for him taking great care to soap up well. I find that adding a nail brush also encourages fastidiousness. Enjoy! read more

My Top 10 Most Popular Posts of 2012

In the past I used to write whatever I wanted on this blog and I still do that to a large extent. But this year I had a shift. I realized that I want this blog, this website, and my business to be more about what YOU want and less about what just happens to strike my fancy when I sit down to write my posts. In order to better analyze what you like, I decided to take a look at the best performing posts from 2012 and use them to direct my future efforts.

And wow, I am shocked at how much time it has taken me to figure out what my top ten posts of last year were. First I had to decide on an accurate measure. Should I use traffic, views, tweets, or Facebook shares? After much research and analysis, I’ve decided to base my most popular posts on Facebook shares, since that’s how most of you let me know you’ve enjoyed my post. And so, without further ado, here are the top ten most popular posts of 2012! Oh, and I’ll share them in reverse order for a bit of dramatic flair 😉 read more

Winter Fun: Bean Bin!

IMG_5298Our Simple Inexpensive Bean Bin

1) Shallow plastic bin with lid

2) Lots of dried beans

3) Cups, pitchers, scoops, and bowls

4) Set it up on a chair

5) Put it away and take it out when you need some uninterrupted time in the kitchen.